optional, short, informational message.
the maximum serial currently known.
If max_serial
equals serial
this update is the last update (until new network messages arrive).
the payload, deserialized json
the serial number of this update. Serials are larger 0
and newer serials have higher numbers.
optional, short text, shown beside app icon. If there are no updates, an empty JSON-array is returned.
optional, name of the document in edit, must not be used eg. in games where the Webxdc does not create documents
optional, short, informational message that will be added to the chat, eg. "Alice voted" or "Bob scored 123 in MyGame"; usually only one line of text is shown, use this option sparingly to not spam the chat.
the payload, deserialized json: any javascript primitive, array or object.
optional, short text, shown beside app icon; it is recommended to use some aggregated value, eg. "8 votes", "Highscore: 123"
bindings are not typed yet.
if the available function names are required they can be found inside of ../src/module.c
expects a 24bit rgb integer (left to right: 8bits red, 8bits green, 8bits blue)
Generated using TypeDoc
if set by the webxdc, name of the document in edit